Join the entirely FREE
5-day kid spaces declutter challenge.

Let your home work FOR you. Don’t fight against it.


“My family and I are currently in an apartment while our new home is being built and have had such a hard time with clutter especially in our very small front entry way. I used baskets that we already had and set up a spot where everything for my 16 month old was accessible and organized. He cannot put his outdoor gear on himself but already he is getting his shoes, coat and hat by himself. It has made our entry way less crowded and more functional for our whole family! Now I just need a course on how to do this for my husband :)”


“I loved the challenge. It was easy to follow. Thank you for that nudge!”

What you’ll receive:

  • 6 days worth of encouraging emails

  • Links to 5 days worth of video presentations [10 min each]

  • Daily checklists

  • 10 minutes of time will be YOURS to declutter and set up according to my methods